Deanery information

Deanery Leadership Team

The Deanery Leadership Team was formally commissioned in October 2019 and aims to include a wide range of views, skills and perspectives. We enjoy working together as a team and are always pleased to hear suggestions or ideas from anyone in the deanery.

Anne Bennett (Area Dean, Church of the Ascension)
Grant Bolton-Debbage (Asst Area Dean, All Saints)
Colin Plant (Lay Chair, St. Peter’s)
Lynne Wilkinson (Secretary/Acting Treasurer, St. Peter’s)
Rustum Enegbeta (Lay Champion, St. James’)
Sola Ogun (Diocesan Synod Lay Rep, St. John’s)
Katy Robb (St Catherine’s, commissioned CYP worker)

“The Deanery Leadership Team has the primary task of leading mission activity across the Deanery through planning, co-ordinating, implementing and reviewing.”
Southwark Diocese Deanery Advisory Group

Deanery Chapter

The Deanery Chapter is made up of all of the ordained ministers working in the Deanery. The members of our chapter are:

The Revd. Anne Bennett (Area Dean, Church of the Ascension)
Fr. Grant Bolton-Debbage (Asst Area Dean, All Saints)
The Revd. Christopher Hanning (St. John’s with Holy Trinity)
Fr. Paul Butler (St. Paul’s)
The Revd. Capt. Kingsley Yeboah (St. James & St. Michael’s)
The Revd. Benjamin Jones (St. Peter’s)
Fr. John Francis (All Saints)
Fr. Angus Galbraith (All Saints)
The Revd. Ann Clarke (Goldsmiths Chaplaincy)
The Revd. Joe Ajaefobi (Nigerian Chaplaincy)
The Revd. Jane Petrie (St Nicholas and St Luke)
The Revd. Jane Elliott (St Catherine’s)
The Revd. Pat Soer (St John’s)
The Revd. Stanley Njoka (St Catherine’s)

The Revd. Andrew Grundy, St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, has a standing invitation to Chapter as part of his work with the St James and St Michael’s Anglican/URC partnership.

Deanery Reps and Deanery Synod

Deanery Synod plays an important part in the synodical governance of the Church of England. It provides a structure for local churches to discuss and debate issues, and it provides a means for communication with Southwark Diocesan Synod and General Synod (national church).

Every church is represented on Deanery Synod by their parish reps and clergy. Reps are elected for 3 years. 

Deanery Synod business is a regular feature of Deanery Forum meetings.

The Deanery Reps are:

All Saints – Bunmi Oludipe-Davies, Eward Macauley
St Catherine’s – Marshall Manson, Sunday Jacobs
St James – Rustum Enegbeta, Emmanuel Nwokocha
St John’s with Holy Trinity  – Abdul Kamara, Solabomi Ogun
St Michael’s – Dorcas Falode
St Nicholas – Letitia Addae-Kodua, Colin Moss
St Paul’s – Wayne Barron, Vidal Eghan
St Peter’s – Colin Plant, Lynne Wilkinson
Church of the Ascension – Bridget Knapper, Terry Cox

What is a Deanery Rep? 


Mission action plan
